My Grandmother first became interested in the breed in the 1920's watching the Eton College pack exercising in Buckinghamshire where she was a kennelmaid in the legendary St Margarets' Sealyham kennel.
It wasn't until the late 30's that Gran acquired her first Beagle, a stray, then one from the Ampleforth Pack and another from the famous Reynalton line created by Mrs Elms.
The kennel really commenced when she obtained Stanhurst Rachel from Mrs Oldman of Barsheen Bloodhounds. Rachel was mated to Ch Barvae Statute producing Ch Deaconfield Rebecca in 1958 (10 CCs). Rebecca produced Ch Deaconfield Ripple when mated to Ch Barvae Paigan. This combination was repeated in 1962 producing Ch Rossut Deaconfield Ravish and Deaconfield Regan. Regan stayed at Deaconfield and Ravish was successfully campaigned by the Suttons.

Ch Deaconfield Rebecca
Regan was a very successful brood bitch who when put to Ch Larkholme Andima Classic Major produced the sire of Crufts Group Winner Ch Houndsmark Manful sire - Ch Deaconfield Rampage - a harepied and sire of several famous Champions.

Ch Deaconfield Rampage Also winner of Beagle Club Working Certificates
My Grandmother had a keen interest in the working side of Beagles and was a keen follower of the Beagle Club Working Section. She felt it was important for the Beagle to retain its working origins and Rampage had these virtures which he passed on to his progeny.
Ripple to Ch Dialynne Huntsman produced Ch Deaconfield Renown. Ripple won the Bitch CC at Crufts in 1962.

Ch Deaconfield Renown winning the DCC at Hove Championship Show in 1966

Ch Deaconfield Random winner of 6 CCs and 6 RCCs

Sylvahue Riot from Deaconfield

Deaconfield Rampant winner of 2 CCs
The climax of my Grandmother's judging career was judging the breed at Crufts in 1984 when she gave the DCC to a young tri-colour hound called Soloman of Dialynne and the BCC and BOB to young bitch by the name of Too Darn Hot for Tragband - Ada as she became known. Both hounds became Champions and Ada held the breed record for number of CCs held by a Beagle for a number of years.